August GOI update
Aug 6, 2021
The situation has eased such as to give us confidence to launch a mission into Esh Winning for another year. So this weekend the caravans are being readied for the start on this coming Sunday. Please pray for the safe preparation of all of this. Gordon expects to be joined this year by Peter and Richard for the 2 weeks with the children and the adults, based in the Methodist Church.
Please pray for the activities and meetings from Sunday 8th to Friday 20th Aug. Adults Sundays 20:15 and Mon-Fri 19:30 with children’s work Mon-Fri 14:30.
In the meantime we can also report the successful completion of a year of online bible studies via Zoom, on Tuesdays and Thursdays giving Gordon the opportunity to share and engage from all over the country. We have been blessed in the study of the word on the subjects of Old Testament Characters and The Sermon on the Mount.
It is intended to restart the Tuesday and Thursday Bible studies during the first week of October at 20:15 and the subjects that Gordon has a mind to look at are Isaiah and Revelation. More info will follow in September.
We are assured that God’s word will not return to Him void, but it will accomplish that to which he intended it.
Online Bible Study Summer Break
Jul 20, 2021
Bible studies conclude for the summer break this week.
It is intended for them to resume Tuesday 5th October 2021.