Psalm 86

Psalm 86

(Read Psalm 86)

In verse eight the Psalmist uses the phrase ‘there is no one like thee’. The exaltation of the Lord is one of the greatest foundations of our faith. One of my personal favourite verses Isaiah 44:8 says to whom would you liken me and make my equal and compare me, there is no one for he is God alone, the triune God. Now turn to Isaiah 45:5 ‘I am the Lord and there is no other, beside me there is no Lord’.

As Christians we have the enormous privilege to be in fellowship with the great and magnificent God, but the Psalmist and Isaiah add a thought about the greatness of this, God’s world. Isaiah 43:13 states that I, God, act, who can reverse it. Salvation is of the Lord. He has accomplished this and no one can reverse it. Read Romans 8:35-39. Our faith is built on this rock.

Written by G. Stoves Jan 11, 2018