Psalm 41

Psalm 41

(Read Psalm 41)

Here we are challenged in an area where many, within Christian practises, have gone astray: the care of the poor. There used to be a saying that some people are ‘too heavenly minded to be any earthly use’. There are good reasons for us to be heavenly minded and yet be useful on earth.

The first reason is that God commands us to care for the poor, that was the rich man’s failure towards Lazarus.

The second comes from the mouth of our Lord when a lady was judged for wasting her money. He remarked that the poor we would always have, implying that there will always be a necessity to care for them.

The third is the word blessed which has a secondary meaning, that of prosperous. In our context the care of the poor being spiritual prosperity or as is stated by the Lord Jesus it increases our heavenly bank balance.

Written by G. Stoves Mar 2, 2017