Psalm 119

Psalm 119

(Read Psalm 119)

At last we come to the longest of the psalms having 176 verses divided into twenty two eight verse sections. There has been much speculation as to what section of this great Psalm I would consider. We will look at the subject that is referred to in Psalm 119:173.This subject is expressed in munerous ways. In the first section it is the law of the Lord, his testimonies, precepts, statutes, commandments and righteous judgement. The subject is of course the Word of God. This is the essential commodity for all those who claim to follow Christ.

Another of the really good and well known verses is Psalm 119:9 where it raises the question as to how can a young man keep his way pure? This is an important question in the light of God’s statement - you be Holy for I am holy (1 Peter 1:16) the answer is clearly stated by keeping in accordance with the holy word. To the disciple the bible is his only handbook for walking with God.

Written by G. Stoves Aug 30, 2018