Psalm 66
Having touched on the forgotten part of worship, silence, the Psalmist now takes us into another realm of worship, vocal. ‘Shout joyfully’ raise your voices so that we may hear of the greatness of our God, the heavenly host cried with a loud voice. ‘Worthy is the lamb’ Revelation 5:12. Christians need to do two things in the vocal expression of worship.
Firstly we need to remind people of the great and wonderful works of God in the past. There is no greater work of God than the finished work of Christ on the cross when he purchased our redemption, made possible our salvation and opened the door to his eternal home. Tell out the great wonder of God.
Secondly we should be always ready to proclaim far and wide what God has done in our lives. We need to be bold in our witness to all near and far that our God is great and that he loves us and desires that all call on him for salvation.
Written by G. Stoves Aug 24, 2017