Psalm 15
This is an excellent expression of the reality of the Christian life; it covers ever so briefly the whole gambit of faith. The writer asks who can have fellowship with the holy God and gives the answer.
How we conduct our lives as Paul reminds us in Galatians is that we are to walk in the spirit, to live our whole lives under the spirit’s control not just our church activities but all our activities are to be under the guiding hand of the Holy Spirit.
We are to do works of righteousness. We are saved to serve not to sit down and simply fill a seat in a building but all are called to serve the living God. How do we serve him? By serving others, whatever you do for others God takes as being done to Him.
We are also to worship in spirit and truth. Some will be slow to recognise this truth that singing songs is only a small part of worship, our giving God all we have and are is true deep worship. Romans 12:1-2
The Psalmist closes with a word of encouragement, do these things we shall never be moved, our future is certain we will share the blessing of heaven for ever more
Written by G. Stoves Sep 1, 2016