Psalm 137
In this unusual psalm, famous for many as it is often sang. However to many believers it seems an anomaly. Remember that to the Jews, the temple of Jerusalem was the centre of their life, physical and spiritual. These people had witnessed destruction. They had been enslaved and moved to a foreign country. Their paths were summed up in verse 4. “How shall we sing the Lord’s song in a strange land.” This resonates in our hearts for, as Peter reminds us in 1 Peter 2:11 “we are strangers and pilgrims” or if you like, aliens in the world. We are often mocked, and yet the world desires to hear some of our songs, this is especially true at Christmas. Sometimes we feel discouraged and down-hearted in this situation, like the Jews of the past. We need to look beyond time towards our heavenly home knowing that one day time shall cease and we will be joyful in the Lord.
Written by G. Stoves Jan 3, 2019