This Jesus

GOI Tuesday Bible Study

...this Jesus, delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed by the hands of lawless men. Acts 2:23

In the book of Acts, Jesus is preached as the crucified and risen Messiah, whose death and resurrection bring forgiveness of sins and salvation to all who believe in him. Join us in bible study as we consider what this means for us today.

These free online bible studies occur online on Discord. You can join the Discord server here.

Join us in bible study as we consider the emergence of the church. The apostles proclaim the transformative power of Jesus' name, calling people to repentance, baptism, and faith in him as the fulfilment of Old Testament prophecies and the source of eternal life. So what should we do?

Upcoming Studies

Previous Studies

New Start

16 January 2024 - Acts 1:1-11

Join us in a thought-provoking study of Acts 1:1-11, where we delve into the profound account of Jesus' life and ascension. Discover the depth of Scripture and the remarkable narrative of faith encapsulated within these verses as we explore together.

New Apostle?

23 January 2024 - Acts 1:12-26

Step into a captivating study of Acts 1:12-26, delving into the intricate journey of the disciples following Jesus' ascension. Engage with us as we explore the depth of Scripture, uncovering the significance of this passage in the context of the early Christian community and the selection of Matthias.

New Authority

30 January 2024 - Acts 2:1-13

Get ready to explore Acts 2:1-13 with us-it's a wild ride into the incredible story of Pentecost! Join our discussion and discover the amazing events and the awesome power of the Holy Spirit revealed in these verses!

New Leader

6 February 2024 - Acts 2:14-47

We consider Peter's compelling declarations about Jesus Christ. Explore with us as we delve into Peter's powerful assertions regarding Christ's identity, significance, and the transformative impact on the early Christian community, sparking insightful discussions that illuminate the foundation of our faith.

New Power

13 February 2024 - Acts 3:1-10

Embark on a rigorous exploration with us into Acts 3:1-10, a passage resonating with profound implications of divine intervention and human response. Prepare to grapple with the complexities of faith, healing, and societal transformation encapsulated within this narrative, inviting thought-provoking discussions that challenge and enrich our understanding of the miraculous encounters witnessed by Peter and John.

New Invitation

27 February 2024 - Acts 3:11-26

Discovering the transformative power of an invitation extended by Peter. Join us as we delve into the profound impact of embracing a fresh perspective on faith, inviting reflection on how we, too, can extend God's invitation to those around us.

New Clarity

5 March 2024 - Acts 4:1-37

Acts 4 is a call to join the revolution of bold faith and community. Come explore how the early Christians faced opposition with unwavering courage. How might this chapter inspire us to stand firm in our faith today?

New Quality

12 March 2024 - Acts 5:1-16

Take a reflective pause with us as we explore Acts 5:1-16, contemplating the honesty reflected in the narrative of Ananias and Sapphira. How does this cautionary tale prompt us to examine the sincerity of our own faith and the healing power of Jesus in our lives?

New Council

19 March 2024 - Acts 5:17-42

Join us in unraveling Acts 5:17-42, where the apostles face persecution for their faith. As we delve into the narrative, reflect on this: How does the example of Jesus empower us to stand firm in the face of opposition for the sake of our faith?

New Order

9 April 2024 - Acts 6:1-15

As we turn our hearts to Acts 6, let's embark on a reflective journey. Join in this contemplative study, where we pause, ponder, and draw inspiration from the early church's model of service and unity, reflecting on its profound implications for our own lives.

The Martyrdom

16 April 2024 - Acts 7:1-60

As Stephen fearlessly defends his faith before the Sanhedrin, his unwavering commitment to Christ challenges us to examine our own dedication to the Gospel. How does Stephen's example inspire us to stand firm in our faith, even in the face of opposition? What lessons can we learn from his courage and conviction as we navigate our own journey of discipleship?

The Miraculous

23 April 2024 - Acts 8:1-3

As Saul ravages the church, believers scatter, yet their dispersion leads to the proliferation of the Gospel message. How do these early believers' experiences challenge our understanding of God's sovereignty in the midst of adversity? What lessons can we glean from their resilience and trust in God's providence as we encounter trials in our own lives?

The Message

30 April 2024 - Acts 8:4-40

Acts 8:4-40 portrays the madness of Saul's persecution transformed into the message of God's grace, as Philip boldly proclaims the Gospel to the Samaritans and an Ethiopian eunuch. In the midst of societal divisions and personal limitations, God's transformative power transcends human understanding. How does Philip's obedience to God's call challenge us to break through barriers and embrace the unexpected ways in which God works in our lives and communities?

The Mercy

7 May 2024 - Acts 9:1-31

As Saul's encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus reshapes his life, we witness the priceless currency of God's grace at work. How does Saul's conversion challenge our assumptions about who is worthy of God's love and forgiveness? What does his journey teach us about the immeasurable value of surrendering our lives to Christ's transformative power?

The Ministry

14 May 2024 - Acts 9:32-43

Through these miraculous acts, Peter demonstrates the power of God at work through his apostolic ministry. How do Peter's actions in this passage inspire us to actively engage in ministries of compassion and healing within our communities? What can we learn from Peter's example about the importance of faith, prayer, and obedience in carrying out God's work?

The Magnetism

21 May 2024 - Acts 10:1-23

As Cornelius seeks God earnestly and Peter receives a vision, barriers of ethnicity and tradition are broken down by the irresistible force of God's grace. How does the encounter between Peter and Cornelius challenge our preconceived notions about who belongs in God's kingdom? What lessons can we glean from their willingness to embrace the unfamiliar and step out in faith?

The Mystery

28 May 2024 - Acts 10:23-33

Through divine revelation and obedient discipleship, Peter begins to grasp the depth of God's inclusive plan for salvation. How does Peter's willingness to embrace the mystery of God's work among the Gentiles challenge our own understanding of God's boundless love and redemption? What can we learn from Peter's openness to God's revelation as we navigate the complexities of faith and culture in our own lives?

The Merging

4 June 2024 - Acts 10:34-48

Through Peter's sermon and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon Gentile believers, the barriers of exclusivity are shattered, revealing the universality of God's redemptive plan. How does this passage challenge our preconceived notions of who is worthy of God's grace and salvation? What implications does the inclusion of Gentiles have for our understanding of diversity and unity within the body of Christ?

The Memorandum

11 June 2024 - Acts 11:1-30

Acts 11:1-30 illustrates the transformative power of unity within the early church as Peter explains his encounter with Cornelius to the Jerusalem believers. Through open dialogue and mutual understanding, barriers are broken down, and a shared vision for the expansion of the Gospel emerges. How does this passage challenge us to embrace diversity within the body of Christ and work together towards a common mission? What lessons can we learn from the early church's example of reconciliation and cooperation in spreading the message of salvation?

GOI online bible studies are a free way of learning more about the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Come and ask questions and discuss how the life of Jesus changes everything.

Questions are always welcome at online bible studies as we look to answer big questions using the bible as our guide and the life of Jesus as our example. In this series we look to learn more about the story of redemption and the reason why the Son of God, Jesus, came to die.

The free online Bible studies currently happen on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in the evening London time. All are welcome please contact us for details about how to attend online.

Online GOI Bible Studies

Contact us now for details of online bible studies this week.