Psalm 71
There are a number of exciting things in this Psalm. One of which, to those of us who are Bible believing Christians, it is one of the many verses that underly our belief that abortion as it is practiced today is wrong. Here the writer is very clear that God took him from out of the womb, Psalm 71:6. Jeremiah 1:4-5 ‘before I formed you in the womb I knew you’, here even before conception God new Jeremiah. All the abortions undertaken, almost at a whim, taking a life of a person that God has made and known. It is a serious situation.
It may be that we are destroying another David. In verse 18 of this Psalm he is old and grey haired, his was a long life lived in the service of God. True he made his mistakes. Like us he was not perfect, but he loved God, he asked and received forgiveness for all his errors, and became a man after the heart of God. So too, we can ask forgiveness of God, and find a new life in fellowship with Him for time and eternity.
Written by G. Stoves Sep 28, 2017