Psalm 132
Where does God dwell is a question often asked. In David’s day the Jewish people believed that he lived in the Tabernacle. This was a portable temple built according to God’s instructions by Moses. This was a type of tent which served for many years as a portable temple. David desired to build a more permanent temple in Jerusalem. This was eventually built by his son Solomon. He declares in 1 Kings 8:27 that even the heavens cannot contain God let alone this house.
The New Testament provides an amazing answer to this question. Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 6:16 that true believers are the temple of God, as God has said I will dwell in them. This of course makes it a most serious thing to attack other Christians, for in so doing you attack God and you defile His dwelling place.
Written by G. Stoves Nov 29, 2018