Psalm 13
One of the good things that we find in every great man of God, who struggles over the same or similar problems that we do, is he demonstrates the same attitude that we have living in our instant society.
He is concerned that God is not responding immediately to his cry for help in his difficult situation. He wanted an instant answer and intervention, which is something we all look for. Yet as a young believer I was taught that God is my father and that he cares for me, and is with me, enduring alongside me and helping me to be more like Christ.
We have to learn sometimes that our God who knows everything, knows what is best for me and therefore He would on occasion say to me wait for the answer, as He reckons that perhaps the time us not quite right for me at that precise moment.
Perhaps one reason, His aim in everything is that we might be conformed to the image of Christ. Remember that in spiritual realities it truly is more haste less speed.
Written by G. Stoves Aug 18, 2016