In the beginning
John 1:1-14
In John 1:1-14, we encounter the profound mystery of the Word made flesh, revealing Jesus as both fully divine and fully human. Join us as we explore these opening verses of John's Gospel, uncovering the foundational truths about Christ's nature and His light brought into the world.
God is love. The Word tells us that He loves us.
Have you ever wondered about the deep significance of Jesus being called “the Word”? This Bible study explores the profound concept of Jesus as the Logos in John chapter 1, inviting us to discover how God communicates His love and purpose to humanity through His Son. Join us as we delve into the rich meanings behind this powerful title and its implications for our faith and relationship with God.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1
God is love. The Word tells us that He loves us. It tells us that all His thoughts and intent flow from that love and always flows to us for our benefit.
- The Gospel of John starts with a spectacular introduction, similar to 1 John and Hebrews
- John uses the term “Logos” (Word) to describe Jesus, which had significance for both Greeks and Jews
- The Logos represents God’s desire to communicate with humanity
- John’s Gospel states its purpose clearly in John 20:31
But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, John 1:12
Now we know that the Lord Jesus Christ was born without sin.
We’re reminded of the incredible depth and richness of who Jesus is. From being the divine Logos to the Light of the world, Jesus embodies God’s desire to communicate and connect with us. His authority as the gives us the right to become children of God, while His generosity (or “largess”) extends this invitation to all who receive Him. As our Leader and the Lordable One, Jesus guides us and reveals God’s glory. This introduction to John’s Gospel sets the stage for a deeper exploration of Christ’s nature and mission. Let’s continue to meditate on these truths and allow them to transform our understanding of Jesus and our relationship with Him.
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