Psalm 29

Psalm 29

(Read Psalm 29)

The phrase ‘the voice of the Lord’ occurs seven times in this Psalm, each one seems to depict the beginning and development of a super storm. The way the phrase occurs we are expected to know the power of the Lord and how he speaks. Its occurrence reminds us of the beginning in Genesis where God spoke ‘let there be light and there was light’.

I am reminded of the New Testament book of Hebrews 1:3 where we learn of the word of Christ upholding all things. In our mixed up world where Christians and non Christians are finding the world we live in is going mad with immorality, violence and chaos seeming to fill all our daily experiences the voice of Jesus can resonate in our lives when in the middle of storms he could say in Mark 4:39 ‘peace be still’. How lovely if each of us could hear Him say that to us in the topsy-turvy life we live.

Written by G. Stoves Dec 8, 2016