Psalm 7

Psalm 7

(Read Psalm 7)

As young Christians, based on the Israelites journey in the wilderness, we were taught that God does not like complainers but understands our groans.

This Psalm has David groaning under the pressure of being surrounded by people whose every activity displayed an ungodly attitude to both life and God. Something that in our day and generation is easily understood. If we really are seeking to live for God, to be an influence for Him, we cannot but weep for the ungodliness that surrounds us.

However in this situation two things gave the Psalmist confidence. His own righteousness, not earned but received through faith, read Isaiah 61:10 and the righteous nature of the God in whom he trusted, knowing that in the final judgement, God’s justice will be done and seen to be done.

Be confident, look up, our redemption draws near. Luke 21:28

Written by G. Stoves Jul 7, 2016