Psalm 20

Psalm 20

(Read Psalm 20)

The fifth verse of this simple Psalm acts out three special thoughts for all believers to accept and put into action.

The first thought is to rejoice in God’s salvation. For too long the world has looked on the Christian as sober killjoys, much like the old puritan in Oliver Cromwell’s era, perhaps we have lost the sense of joy in the wonderful truth that we all have joy as a gift John 15:11. If you think you have lost that sense of joy pray like the Psalmist.

Secondly we forget we are volunteers in the army of Christ. The arm of Christ is in a spiritual war Ephesians 6. The banner in old times denoted whose army you were in. Solomon declares his banner over me is love; we who are Christians are in the army of God and enjoy his bountiful love always.

Lastly we are setting up our banner. It is a public demonstration that we are on the Lord’s side. It is also a bold declaration that we will remain true to Him in all circumstances of life.

‘all this assembly may know that the LORD does not deliver by sword or by spear; for the battle is the Lord’s and He will give you into our hands.’ 1 Samuel 17:47

Written by G. Stoves Oct 6, 2016